Sunday, October 16, 2011


Oftentimes, a piece of scrapbook or handmade paper will inspire me to do a scene. If I like a paper, I usually purchase at least two sheets, but for some reason I did not buy two of this cool Vespa paper from the Paper Source. It might have been the last one, or it was a temporarily lapse of judgement on my part, but either way I only came home with one.

I decided to go radical on the opposing wall and do it up in green glitter paper. I normally despise glitter, by the way, but I loved the way this paper shines and it is very sturdy for cutting and hanging. And it doesn't "shed," which is the main reason I don't care for glitter. Do you like the glow here? I liked using my AG Minis Room Box...the flooring is very warm and imparts a nice texture. The black square above the couch is magnetic, to hang the wall treatments that originally came with many of the sets. I decided to attach some magnets in a clock or gear formation...not sure which.

I went to my favorite Crate & Barrel outlet this weekend for inspiration for the "I'm a Giant" challenge launched by Emily Henderson, and came up mostly empty-handed, but did get some inspiring pieces. I posted my first mood board on the Call of the Small Facebook page -- I decided I am going for a ladylike McCall's decorator vibe. Still don't have a DIY abode, though, and the December 15 deadline is around the corner. HELP!! Emily is encouraging anyone who is participating to comment on one of her recent blog posts, so that she can share all the creativity going on.

A reminder that my UMBRA giveaway is going strong, and you still have a week to enter! Comment on this giveaway post NOW CLOSED for your chance to win one of TWO phenomenal products, like the TALI wall tile pictured here. Thanks to all who have joined in so far!

Credits: Couch is minimodernistas; plant is AG Minis; Arc lamp is an eBay find; ottomans are Concord; pillows and book are handmade by The Shopping Sherpa; Sketch chair is by Diatom Studio; wall magnets are from Office Max; table is my MitchyMoo Miniatures; wallpaper is from the Paper Source. Accessories are Lilu Shop on Etsy, AG Minis, ELF Miniatures, and beads.


  1. Es una escena fantastica, me encanta ese papel de la pared y la luz que has conseguido, preciosa!!!!
    No sabia que hacias un sorteo, voya apuntarme.
    besitos ascension

  2. LOVE it! i think i'm so attracted to your blog simply because your pictures trigger the "waitaminute, is that 1:1 or..?" part of my brain...

    of course, i also wonder "where does she store all this awesome stuff?!?!" XD

    thanks so much for sharing...:)

  3. A mi me encanta la combinación de los papeles de tapizar
    Un abrazo

  4. Thanks, Mad for Mod! I dig it too!

  5. Muchas gracias, Ascension! Me alegro de que, como todas las pequeñas cosas en mi escena! El papel es muy divertido!

  6. Hey, Snowfern! I do try for my scenes to evoke 1:1 -- glad I tricked you a little! My storage life is more organized than it was, but my mess is seeping into our living spaces. I need to address this pronto!

  7. Gracias, Rosamargarita! Yo quería ser muy audaz con el papel y me encanta verde!

  8. If you're going for a ladylike McCall's vibe . . . shouldn't it be the Betsy McCall house? I'm practically drooling to see what you do with it whenever that happens, but this sounds like opportunity knocking to me!

    As always, thanks for sharing and inspiring as you go.

    FranMadeMinis on Etsy

  9. Hi there, Fran! Thanks! Yes, the thought of using the McCall house has indeed occurred to me, BUT it needs some serious renovation work. Not sure if I can swing it all by December 15. I might have to find something more manageable...still stumped!

  10. I want to say that I was OBSESSED with finding my favorite childhood book: Puppenhaus gebault. I made my mom take this book out for me all the time (for some reason she could not find it in the bookstore to buy it for me and this was in the mid 70's). I somehow came upon your site after searching here and there for more than a year! You had an image and I recognized it right away. I love your blog/site and wanted to thank you personally for rediscovering it!

