Monday, January 23, 2012

Finding Time

Ah, the struggle of finding time...

Time has indeed flown by since I started this blog nearly three years ago, on January 24, 2009. As I have said before, I never would have guessed that this endeavor would result in the many happy posts, connections, findings, and surprises that it has. I am very grateful, and I carry that enthusiasm into 2012.

My goal is to post at least once a week, and I will try my best to do that, but life does have a way of pulling you into many directions! When I post, I want to be inspired to write and photograph, and not to force it. So, if there is a gap in postings, it likely means that things are taking shape. I appreciate your patience and willingness to "go with the flow."

As always, I am interested to hear from my readers with comments, news, and information. Thanks for following!

I wanted to share a quick scene in the Lundby Stockholm. I've always wrestled a bit with the unused electrical outlets on the walls. I've covered them up various ways in the past (origami paper strips for one), but oddly not with scrapbook paper as I do quite often in my other houses. I really do enjoy this room, especially the long window. This time, I decided to place a tree stencil over it for a decorative frosted effect. (Speaking of frosted, did you see what Megan did with her door in her Fashion House??? It's amazing).

Credits: Couch is Bozart; pixel chair is minimodernistas; shelving unit is an eBay find; table is a vintage door handle; plant is Re-ment; vase, cork pedestal, and mirror are from Michaels; tree stencil from the Paper Source; wallpaper from JoAnn. Accessories are AG Minis, dollhouse and craft store finds, and Re-ment.

The time it took me: 25 minutes


  1. Any reason why you don't use them to plug in lights?

  2. Hi, LadyB! Excellent question! I should have clarified this. I do not have a transformer for the house, so the outlets are not currently usable. I might have to get one someday!

  3. You are so ingenious with the way you use different pieces here and there for decor and think outside the box. I hear you on the time.

  4. The stencil is such an incredibly good idea. I'm totally stealing that one!! Chuckles! I do love this room and haven't used my Stockholm in awhile. I really have trouble enjoying the scales smaller than 1:12--maybe because most of my collection is in that scale. I feel confined by my "small" amount of pieces that fit well in 1:18 and 1:16.
    AND about post frequency...I totally get it. Smiles. I think your readers only want to see what you feel inspired to create and show. Art should not be forced, ey? Wait. Or is that art too? *Wink*

  5. Beautiful color scheme. Always inspiring.

  6. Happy BlogOversary!! Where has the time gone. I hope you find time and inspiration for many more years to come.

    Hey thanks for the shout out. I am loving the frosted glass look, so I will be testing out some table tops with different patterns. We'll see. :D

    I am definitely going to look at stencils though, I hadn't thought of that. Cool idea. Your tree looks so cool in that window. Love it!

  7. Thanks, much, cowboybunny! I do like using the unexpected...sometimes it is out of necessity!

  8. Hi, Faby! Thanks! Happy New Year to you!

  9. Yo, MC! Please find me some more stencil inspiration! I did like this one in Paper Source, but I am sure there are many more out there that would work in modern settings. I have a fondness for the Stockholm and find that it can sometimes hold petite 1:12 pieces. You need to bring out your Sheila doll! Most of my life is on timer, so it's hard to shift away from the structure in the hobby...we'll see!

  10. Hi, Mini Dork! I thought the frosted glass was genius. Looked so real and professional! Can't wait to see more of your experimentation! Let me know if you see any good stencils!

  11. Lovin' the tree stencil. Looks great!

  12. Hi, Kathi! Thanks! I'm on the lookout for other stencils ;)
